All Field Shelters Have An Apex Roof
April 2023
Depth. x Length
3m 4 metres (13ft) £3,192 + VAT
(10ft) 5 metres (16.5ft) £3,752 + VAT
Open 6 metres (20ft) £4,088 + VAT
Fronted 7 metres (23ft) £4,312 + VAT
3.6m 4 metres (13ft) £3,360 + VAT
(12ft) 5 metres (16.5ft) £3,976 + VAT
Open 6 metres (20ft) £4,312 + VAT
Fronted 7 metres (23ft) £4,592 + VAT
Gates (Lined) P.O.A.
Lining P.O.A
Stables Doors (Bottom) £380 + VAT (1.2m)
Stables Doors (Top & Bottom) £545 + VAT
Partition (Removable) P.O.A
Guttering Price on Application
Hooks, Tow Chain, etc Price on Application
Overhang £280 + VAT
Insulation in roof Approx £112 + VAT
NB. It is possible to tailor make The Premier Shelter to a specific size - Price on Application
Transport & Erect P.O.A